Brooding On

DIY Laundry Detergent

This easy-to-make laundry detergent contains only 3 ingredients and does a super job.  The recipe I found calls for the following:
1 bar of Fels-Naptha or Ivory, grated
2 c. Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
2 c. Borax

 When I make it, I want to make a big batch, so I just dump in a whole box of Borax and Washing Soda and add about 4-5 c. of grated soap.  I've used the Fels-Naptha and Ivory but prefer Ivory because it is 99% pure and doesn't have as strong a scent. I use my food processor to grate the soap in big batches.  I will go ahead and grate a whole package of Ivory soap bars then store the excess grated soap in a container until I need it.  That cuts down on the number of times I have to clean the food processor.
Mix well.  If you have hard water, you may need to use 1/4 c. per load.  I have soft water and can get away with using only 2 Tbs. per load.  Either way, this is a cheap alternative to store-bought. 

If you prefer a liquid detergent, my friend over at Nesting Place has a recipe for DIY liquid that she says works great.