Brooding On

It's Goat Breeding Season!

It's now officially fall, and that means it's goat breeding season.  I'm so excited!  (Is that weird?)

This is the little guy who's gonna make the magic happen!
"Who, me?"

Here you can see Copper, our buck, standing in front of Razz.  You can really see here how different they are in size.  That seems to make this all the more entertaining as he tries to figure it all out. 

Here you can see how the hair on his back and neck stands up anytime he's near her.

We decided to start by trying to put Razz with Copper, since she's more experienced with this.  Once we're pretty sure that she's been bred, we'll switch her out for Honey and let her have a try.  Honey has never  been bred, but we're hoping all will go well and we'll have two milkers come spring.

Yes, the kids are asking questions about everything that's going on in the backyard.  We're answering those questions honestly as they arise,  in as delicate a way as we can.  So far, they haven't connected any dots between what the animals are up to and how human babies are made.  I'm pretty sure those connections are not far off, though.