One blogger I read does a weekly post of links to other things he's read during the course of that week. I think it's a neat idea, and I am unabashedly stealing it. I'm not sure whether I'll do it as a weekly installment, or just when I feel I've got enough of a collection to share. But, here it is -- the first list of Links Worth Brooding On. Enjoy!
Making the World a Better Place
Haiti Peace Quilts -- Empowering the women of Haiti
For a Greener 2013
Natural Linens: Think reusable everything -- coffee filters, snack baggies, hand towels, and more!
I'm Not Usually One to Talk Politics, But . . .
What Would Jesus Say to the NRA by Shane Claiborne
Other Cool Stuff
A Skateboarding goat: Could we teach Honey to do this?