Brooding On

White River Community Garden

This past week, I found myself needing to kill a little bit of time in Batesville between doctor's appointments (long story -- another time).  As it was lunchtime, I picked up a to-go lunch and headed to a spot with a nice view.  Some folks may head to the river or the park.  I drove right over to the White River Community Garden.  I was able to enjoy my lunch while checking out what everyone is growing and how they're trellising and mulching and more.

I don't actually need a garden bed at the community garden, but I was interested to know more about how it works, so I decided to call the number listed on the sign and check it out.

What I found out was so great, that I thought I'd pass it along to you guys in case anyone would like to take advantage of this great opportunity!

The large beds are 10'x10' and cost $35 to rent for the year.   
The smaller beds, at 10'x4', are $20.  
Each bed has its own water hydrant (as pictured above), and water is included in the rental fee.  

I mean, seriously!  Do you know how much food you can grow in a hundred square feet?!?  
If you live in town but don't have the space to grow your own garden, this is a great option. I would also think this would be great for the beginning gardener.  You wouldn't have to put any money into the start-up infrastructure of garden bed and basic soil, and you'd have the added benefit of having your garden surrounded by other gardens that you can watch and learn from throughout the growing season.  If you're out there harvesting or tending while other gardeners are present,  you can even exchange gardening tips along with pleasantries.

The rental is for a calendar year, so call Sharon Clark, an Independence County Master Gardener in January to secure your plot for 2014.  She can be reached at (870) 251-2148.

If you aren't a local reader, look into community gardening in your area.  It's becoming very popular.  I'll bet if you do some digging, you can find something similar available in your hometown.  And, if not . . . maybe you could get one started.  ;)