Brooding On

Honey is Bagging Up!

Isn't it a glorious day?  It is absolutely beautiful here.  God seems to be in a kind of yellow mood -- raining down yellow sunshine on His blooming yellow forsythias and yellow jonquils.  

And, it's a bit contagious.  In fact, I've been dancing around and singing quite a bit today.  It's a joyous song . . . about my goat FINALLY bagging up.  (The kids are excited about the bagging up . . . but not so much about my song about bagging up.)

Not familiar with that term?  It means that momma-to-be's udders are beginning to fill in preparation for the birth of her young ones!  Yes.  It is a very exciting day.  Within the week, Honey should be a momma again.  

Honey with her twin boys from last year.  

Honey with her twin boys from last year.  

It's this time of year that I wish we had "goat cam."  Wouldn't you love to be able to log in and see the goings on of the barn and field?  I'm definitely enjoying my view from the kitchen sink window.  ;)