Well, projects always seem to take at least twice as long as we predict at the outset. We continue to make baby steps each day, but perhaps the biggest news from last week is that WE HAVE POWER! This is especially nice as the temps continue to climb, and it also means that we can continue to work past dark, which John did several days last week.
The kids and I worked this weekend on making a flower bed spot next to their playhouse where we can plant the zinnia seeds I received for Valentine's Day.
John and our friend Reid have been working on finishing out the kids' playhouse with insulation and paneling.
The floors of the mobile home are still not complete, but the kitchen vinyl is in. We went with the absolute cheapest "B grade" vinyl I could find. "B grade" means that it could have flaws or irregularities, so I was kind of holding my breath that when they unrolled it there wouldn't be anything too unsightly in a highly-visible spot -- so far, so good.
These guys love digging in the dirt!
John has pounded and pounded, and the fence is really shaping up. Our goats are going to be so happy!