Brooding On

Brood Farm Etsy Store is now LIVE!

I had a lot of fun this week creating our new Etsy shop.  If you're unfamiliar with Etsy, it's an online marketplace for (mostly) handmade goods.  Our store can be found at  Don't worry, you can still order soaps the same way you always have -- via text, email, or Facebook.  But, Etsy puts us right at the fingertips of many more potential customers and allows us to process credit cards for online orders (heretofore, folks have had to mail us checks to pay for online orders). 

I had a lot of fun hunting down props, staging the soap pictures, and setting up the shop.  Below are some of the pics I took that now appear on our shop page.

The store is likely to change quite a bit in the first few months as I learn more about how the site works and how to make it best work for us, but we are happy to have it up and running.  That's one New Year's resolution I can go ahead and cross off the list.  Not bad for January 16th!