I don't typically wear a lot of perfume. In fact, I don't even own a full-sized bottle -- just the little samples that I occasionally receive in the mail when I place a makeup order (have I mentioned that I'm not real big on shopping in actual stores?). I should maybe wear perfume more often. After all, Little Boy is sure to offer me an "Oooooo, Momma, you smell beautiful!" every time I do. (This constant-compliment-giver I've got is going to make some very lucky woman feel quite noticed and appreciated one day).
But, this fall, I've been pretty heavy-handed with the perfume samples. You see, it's October. That means that breeding season has officially begun. THAT means that Oreo, Mr. Funky himself, is now living in the ladies' field. And, he would love to follow them into the barn at milking time. In order to keep him from doing this, I have to. . . touch him. I have to lean into his funky-smelling body to keep him from coming in the gate. From that point onward, I also have a funky-smelling body. And, this scent lingers. (If you've never experienced bucky goat funk, then you cannot possibly imagine how disgusting it is and how nearly impossible it is to get off of you. You're welcome to stop by and check it out, but I'd advise that you just take my word for it.)
Ideally, I would take a shower immediately following each milking. But, life simply does not allow it. Evening milking, especially, is often completed hurriedly in order to make a mad dash to soccer/dance/meetings. I DO, however, have time to dab on a little perfume to help mask my stench. It all makes me feel quite European.
So, this is just how I'm going to smell for the next month or so. My apologies. The pay off, of course, will be all those adorable, floppy-eared babies we'll have this spring -- totally worth it, if you ask me.