Well, the arrival of the final window and completion of the roof and siding mean that the new farmhouse is now officially "in the dry." I can't explain how very exciting all of this is. This has been drywall week, so there's a layer of white over everything -- looks like a dusting of snow.
We are enjoying the process, but we are getting pretty ready for a bit more room than the trailer provides. Last weekend, Boy started feeling a little under the weather just as it was bedtime. Then, after he'd been asleep an hour or so, he just sat up in his bed and let loose everything he'd eaten all day.
Now, in a room by himself, that really wouldn't have been such a big deal. As it was, though, in the room that all three kiddos share, it was disastrous. He was on the top bunk, so he rained down the nastiness all over the ENTIRE room -- including his sisters, their bedding (all 3 sets of bedding), the lampshade, the wall, the blinds, last year's school yearbook, and Girl 2's collection of Pokémon cards and soccer cards -- among other things. Initial clean-up took a couple hours followed by a full day's worth of laundry the next day. But, even once we got things mostly cleaned that night, I didn't have three more sets of bedding for them to use and the smell made the room uninhabitable, so we had to bed them all down in sleeping bags on the living room floor. Girl 2 was so afraid her brother would have a repeat performance, that she balled herself up and slept underneath the computer desk. So, you know, it was just a bit more eventful than it might have been were we already in the new, larger space.
Really, I have loved every part of this building process and love every completed part of the house so far. I even love the things that will be gone once construction is complete . . . like these well-loved sawhorses and paint-splattered construction doorknobs. I love thinking about how our house is becoming a part of their story.
As for when the house will be complete, I try not to ask. :) Since my soaping supplies have taken over the corner of the trailer where the Christmas tree lived last year, I'm seeing our in-flux status as an excuse not to have to decorate for Christmas. I imagine we'll pull out the stockings, but that will be about it. It's freeing, really.