Brooding On

Saturday's AMAZING Main St. Market!

To say that we were bowled over by the warm reception we received at the first ever Main Street Market would be an understatement!   Batesville folks turned out in droves to support the market and its vendors.  We were sold out of eggs by 9:30!  We promise to be better prepared next time and have lots more to sell.  (That said, though, lots of the other vendors goodies sold out early, too, so it's best to be the early bird for this event!)

I love this pic (and all the people in it!)    *photo courtesy of Elaine Henderson of the Independence County Master Gardeners

I love this pic (and all the people in it!)    

*photo courtesy of Elaine Henderson of the Independence County Master Gardeners


Remember, this market is currently operating only once a month.  So, if you're Type A like I am, go ahead and mark your calendar for July 12th and be there as close to 8:00 AM as possible!  For those of you who skew a little more Type B, you know I'll remind you again closer to time.  :)


Now. . . full disclosure.

No, I wasn't personally at the market on Saturday.  It was one of those times when I wished I could clone myself and be two places at once (I actually wish for that quite often.  Am I alone in that?) because Girl 1 was slated to be onstage dancing in her National Dance Competition in St. Louis right smack-dab in the middle of market time.  So, I was on hair, makeup, and costume duty in St. Louis.  


How'd I do?  ;)

Thankfully, Karen (in the top pic) stepped in and helped John out at the market.  Girl 2 was excited to help, too (and from what I understand, I don't really need to put the word help in quotation marks this time). Little Boy stayed home with a sitter (Thanks, Chelsey!).  And, John continues to be Superman.  He got up, did his farm chores and mine while also managing Girl 2 and Little Boy, loaded the truck with no small amount of stuff, was headed to market by 6:40 AM, and then managed the whole she-bang.  And, amidst the hubbub of traffic at our booth, he still took time to shoot me several update texts and pics because he knew how much I wished I could be there.  

All told, John toted 25 dozen eggs and 84 bars of soap to market.  

He came home with 20 names/email addresses to be added to my weekly egg delivery email list and 6 little-'ole bars of soap.  

Most of the leftover bars were Rose Clay.  I don't get it.  It's my favorite bar.  I bet it's because John refused to go by my soap cheat sheet I created for him and tell folks about its "luxurious lather."  Ha!  Even as I wrote that on the card, I was cracking up envisioning him telling a potential customer all about that luxurious lather.  The image is so funny to me.  I'm laughing even now.  I suspect the leftover bars are evidence that he stood firm on that one and did not use the wording I'd suggested.  ;)  But, then, he's Superman. Superman probably wouldn't say "luxurious lather" to a stranger either.