Remember this adorable video of Scarf (pictured below) and her sister "sharing" the milk bowl?
There's not been any more of that cuteness around here lately. Milkshake is missing.
First, Scarf was missing for a couple of days. During that time, Milkshake was sick and weak and spent all day in the milking shed. She wandered off, though, just as Scarf wandered home looking ragged and like she hadn't eaten in days. Scarf has now got her strength back and is slowing gaining some weight, but Milkshake is still missing. I suspect they may have gotten into something that poisoned them.
Scarf is getting the milk all to herself these days.
As Milkshake has been missing for over a week, it's probably time to "call it." Still, I can't help but hope each day when we head out to milk that Milkshake will be in the shed anxiously awaiting her share of the morning milking.
Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this with a pet? Does it sound to you like poisoning of some sort?