Brooding On

This Is Real!

Let me just say. . . I love this picture. 


I love the people in it. I love this sign. I love what hanging this sign at the end of the new road signifies:  we're here. Brood Farm has officially moved. It has been a dream for such a long time that it's hard to believe it is now a reality.

You know that moment when you've just woken up but haven't yet opened your eyes? Since we've moved to the farm, I love that moment because I know that as soon as I open them, I'll be looking out the window of our bedroom and across the gorgeous field that is now home to our goats. And it just makes me so very happy. 

Moving has been a booger, to say the least.  And we couldn't have done it without the help of lots of friends and family.  There's a "thank you" blog post in the works.  :)

Please excuse my infrequent blogging.  We are, obviously, very busy with the move and settling in and are having some computer difficulties to boot.  But, hopefully, we'll get that all ironed out shortly, and I'll be able to more easily fill you in on all that's been going on here.