Brooding On

We Couldn't Have Done It Alone

**The pics in this post have nothing to do with its content.  I just can't stand to write a post without photos.  :)**


To move the contents of one's home to another house is quite an undertaking.  But, I would posit that the task becomes even more difficult when the move involves downsizing.  Now that we've moved, the only things we've got in storage are a few wall hangings, a couple boxes of  books, and one armchair.  Otherwise, we've gone from filling up almost 3,000 square feet to filling up just under 900 square feet.  This, of course, involves lots of sorting, tossing, donating, and selling.  

And even more difficult than downsizing during a move is moving an entire farm.  Shuttling animals and feed and chicken wagons and feeders and shelters and various and sundry outdoor equipment is downright daunting.  Just when you think you've carried over the last load, you realize there's something else in the yard.  

And just when you think it can't get anymore challenging, throw in that it all needs to be completed in 2 weeks.  We'd originally planned to close in May, and that was going to be perfect timing for us.  But, it just so happened that the 2 weeks after our closing at the end of June were cram packed with activities that had nothing whatsoever to do with moving.  We had two weeks to get out and not much time in that particular two weeks to get it done.

We needed help.  

And help we surely received!  We were overwhelmed by the amount of help we received from the folks we love.

Reid and my dad helped John complete the kids' playhouse so that it was ready for them to move into.  

Reid, Robert Dean, and Sue helped us move our fridges, freezers, and goats.  And, we learned a lot about effective communication by watching Sue help Robert Dean back up the trailer using their very own language and motions.  Very impressive!

My dad, Justin, and Sam all helped John with fencing to prep for moving the animals over.  

Karen and Jessica packed up my kitchen, carried it to the farm, and unpacked it like it was nothing but a small job.

Aunt Judy and Lauren participated in the yard sale with us.  Then, Judy ALL BY HERSELF spent two days cleaning the old house from top to bottom so that it would be ready for the new folks to move in.  She had it looking so nice that for a moment, I found myself reconsidering our choice to move out.  :)

My sis-in-law Amanda helped me hang shelves and few other things in the mobile home and didn't mock my lack of skills as a handyperson.  Then, when I'd been tied up in unexpected goat surgery the entire afternoon the day before our yard sale and was ready to just throw in the towel because I'd yet to price a thing, she stepped in and organized and priced pretty much all of it!

Justin helped John smooth out gravel, making way for the basketball court.

In fact, Justin and Amanda spent a large part of their vacation helping us move or watching our kids for us so that we could get certain parts of the move accomplished -- truly a life saver, for us and for the kids.

Sam drove his tractor all the way from Ash Flat and back to help us with various jobs around the farm.  

My mom helped paint the kids' playhouse, helped me map out where all of our furniture would fit in the mobile home, lined all my new kitchen shelves, and much more.

Chris and Blake helped John assemble and put up the kids' new basketball goal while Karen and Ren entertained the kids.  (And, yes, the basketball goal was an essential part of the move. ;)

Brandon helped us out with the steps of the mobile home, assuring that we were ready to be insured.

Tami loaned us clothing racks to use in the yard sale.

And, there's probably even more that I'm skipping over in my haste to get this post up.  


Predators abound here, but we are thankful that Chris has loaned us his live trap.  

Predators abound here, but we are thankful that Chris has loaned us his live trap.  

How truly blessed we are to be surrounded by folks so willing to help!  We were pulling very late nights and starting our days well before sun-up, but there was still no way we were going to get it all done on our own.  Thank you, thank you to the many who helped us with our big move.  :)

Oh, and, if this post is showing up in weird columns or with odd spacing, my apologies.  I can't seem to get it fixed.  ;)

This crazy goat loves him some blackberries.  Girl 2 told me to get a pic of his "blackberry mustache."

This crazy goat loves him some blackberries.  Girl 2 told me to get a pic of his "blackberry mustache."

The goats and I are loving the half-doors in the barn.  

The goats and I are loving the half-doors in the barn.